Friday, December 31, 2010

Radio Call in shows.

I hate KS95. I hate that these assclowns with broadcasting degrees think that on the way home that people, and by people I mean me, really want to listen to a grown man talk about Dancing with the Stars, or talk about how much he loves the new Taylor Swift CD, and how she has "grown up" as an artist. First of all dude, your name is "Moon" and second, just die. Worse are the people who call in to contribute idiotic sound bytes for their call in segments. Anyone listening who........has a secret!?!?!!??!?! call in and share your moronic fucking anecdote please! So after waiting on hold for probably a half hour for their moment of radio glory, these douchebags come up with: "yeah, I was out at Red Lobster last night, and I saw a co-worker with a woman that I didn't think was his wife". Thanks for your contribution to American Storytelling, Mr. Radio Hemingway. This is far from being a new thing, unfortunately. I remember driving with my dad on winter days and listening to WCCO. When it started snowing, as it has been known to do in Minnesota, they immediately quit whatever other topic they were on to discuss the snow. Where. How much. Road conditions. Whether it was blowing. (The whole program was blowing, so obviously. Hi-yooooo) Anyway, they would cut to some embarrassing caricature of a Minnesotan, Dan in Apple Valley or something, and he would again, certainly have been on hold for at least 20 minutes. Once on the radio, we would be treated to "yeah I'm er-ahhhhhh out on my deck and I'm in Apple Valley and it's really coming down out here. I'd be careful out on the roads" Thanks Dan, you meteorological genius. In fact, I bet you're just a science genius in general. You probably vote against stem cell research "because it murders babies" or something. And you get a vote. You fucking idiot. Maybe I'm jumping to unfair conclusions, and Dan was actually just a nice old man who wanted to let me know about the snow.

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