Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I realize that it might be a politically charged topic, but no one else can read this, so no one is here to call me an asshole. SUCKAAAAAAAS. At any rate, I read an article about the parents of a young victim shot in that Tucson massacre. I obviously think it was a horrible act, and anyone who takes political rhetoric to the point that they're willing to shoot someone is what is wrong with America, and particularly Arizona. Stopping anyone who looks like they might not be a citizen? Hello Nazi Germany.

Back to my main point, the article called these parents "heroes". I understand that they went through a horrible tragedy that no parents should have to experience; however I hardly think that the word "hero" should be redefined to include anyone who suffers. Getting hit by a bus, however miniscule the odds, doesn't make you a hero. Heroes are people who actively try to change the world around them for the better, not merely someone who has something bad happen to them.

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